Team Coaches, Managers & volunteers must complete an application, each season.

CLICK on the form ABOVE!

Welcome, Mermaid Family!
As most of you know Joe Guerra has retired as President of the Mermaid Softball League after over 17 years! We as a Mermaid Family thank him for all he has done for this League. We would not be thriving without his dedication and hard work in keeping this League going.

I would like to introduce myself as the New President for the Mermaid Softball League. My name is Elena Vazquez and I have been part of this League for over 14 Years. I was on the Board as Player Agent for the past 4 years. I’m proud to have the opportunity to continue keeping this wonderful League going. I’m starting with a whole new Executive Board. Our mission is to continue our dedication in providing a fun, safe environment and positive youth experiences in sportsmanship and teamwork.

If you would like to volunteer to be part of our Board or as a Coach, please sign up at the snack bar during sign ups.

Thank you for Volunteering and making a difference in our community!

Download & review ‘Rules and Regs’ & ‘By Laws’ to familiarizeyourself with League rules & juristiction!

  • Mandatory TEAM COACH MEETINGS: TYPICALLY each week or once a month, Feb & Mar - TBD

  • Coaches & Volunteers are encouraged to complete 'Sportsmanship & Recognition Award' nominations all season long!

  • Coaches & Volunteers are also encouraged to nominate those who are interested in participating on the Executive Board

  • All Submissions are welcome & confidential - see the official ballot box @ the Snack Bar, April - June.

Joe and Lilly Guerra

Thank you for all you have done for The Mermaid Softball League. Your tireless effort, commitment and dedication every single day in this League was just so overwhelming. I honestly don’t know how I’m going to fill those shoes. Thank you for guiding me and being there for me during this transition. You both are extremely loved and respected by so many. We are going to miss everything about the both of you. We wish you well in the next chapter of your lives. You will always be part of the Mermaid family.

